The bucket list

THE CHALLENGE: Starting Wednesday, May 29, exactly four weeks post surgery I aim to complete 101 challenges before I hit the big 30! That gives me five years – a long time, but not that long to do so many exciting things. I’m going to need all the luck and health in the world or fall flat on my arse in the process.

The ones in purple are DONE, the ones in orange are in progress, the others = no way there yet.

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  1. Learn to speak (and write) French fluently 
  2. Run a small business
  3. Write a poem and read it at an open mic night
  4. Take a night class in something random
  5. Learn to play the guitar 
  6. Get nominated for an award and go to the ceremony in a show stopping dress
  7. Work for the BBC
  8. Get 1,000 Twitter followers 
  9. Learn to say hello in 10 very different languages 
  10. Write a column
  11. Learn to parallel park and do it on a main road (thanks Andy!)
  12. Live and work abroad
  13. Host a radio show
  14. Learn to draw a tree properly
  15. Write and illustrate a children’s book
  16. Learn about the economy and stock market
  17. Write a blog with worldwide followers 
  18. Work for a national newspaper 
  19. Have a novel/ short story published


  1. (20) Eat snails in Paris
  2. (21) Go to Disney Land and wave a wand in Hogwarts
  3. (22) Visit Prague and see a concert
  4. (23) Walk on the Great Wall of China
  5. (24) Pose for a picture in Times Square
  6. (25) Drink a whole pint (yes a whole one) of Guinness in Dublin
  7. (26) Go to Wales hiking and rent a cottage with roaring fire 
  8. (27) Get on a random plane to a random place at the airport
  9. (28) Climb the Millennium Dome
  10. (29) Take a trip on a gondola in Venice 
  11. (30) Have a night out in Birmingham/Liverpool/Edinburgh/ Manchester –in progress
  12. (31) Go to an outdoor cinema
  13. (32) Camp at a festival
  14. (33) Complete 30 Visit England 101 things to do before you die (can’t be in this list) 
  15. (34) Go on a really scary roller coaster


  1. (35) Design your own clothes/ accessories and make them
  2. (36) make a funky and a sexy stoma bag cover
  3. (37) take a life drawing class 
  4. (38) sell a piece of art
  5. (39) make a Christmas present – which is a quality gift
  6. (40) take a professional photograph
  7. (41) learn to cook – take a cookery class


  1. (42) make a perfect cake (three tiers)
  2. (43) eat at a Michelin starred restaurant
  3. (44) throw a themed dinner party
  4. (45) make the perfect souffle
  5. (46) host a fondue and cocktail party
  6. (47) go strawberry picking and make jam


  1. (48) Sit on Murray Mound eating strawberries and drinking Pimms 
  2. (49) Go to a basketball match and eat a pretzel
  3. (50) Ride a horse
  4. (51) Play a round of golf
  5. (52) Complete an army assault course
  6. (53) Run the Santa Dash 
  7. (54) Learn the perfect serve
  8. (55) Cimb the three Peaks
  9. (56) Learn how to play chess
  10. (57) Play a full set of tennis
  11. (58) Learn how to skip
  12. (59) Shoot a gun
  13. (60) Drive a classic car
  14. (61) Learn how to play poker
  15. (62) Walk the Sandstone Trail
  16. (63) Compete in the Chester to Liverpool Bike Ride
  17. (64) Go Fishing
  18. (65) Learn the off side rule
  19. (66) Run a marathon – or take part in a triathlon 


  1. (67) Volunteer for charity
  2. (68) Raise £1,000 for NACC
  3. (69) Sell something on Ebay  
  4. (70) Read a book every week for six months
  5. (71) Do something just for the hell of it 
  6. (72) Go skinny dipping
  7. (73) Get a tattoo
  8. (74) Take part in a protest
  9. (75) Blag your way into a VIP section
  10. (76) Be an extra in a tv show or film
  11. (77) Sunbathe topless on a beach
  12. (78) Wear false eyelashes 
  13. (79) Bounce down a road on a space hopper
  14. (80) Sleep under the stars
  15. (81) Live off £10 for a whole week


  1. (82) Be part of a TV audience
  2. (83) Sit in the Commons for a debate
  3. (84) See Michael Buble (I know needs accent) live
  4. (85) Buy a designer handbag or shoes
  5. (86) Wear a stunningly expensive piece of jewellery
  6. (87) Stand for election
  7. (88) Rent a must-have designer handbag
  8. (89) Join a book club 
  9. (90) Drink a whole cup of tea (how I go through 25 years without doing this?) 
  10. (91) Milk a cow
  11. (92) Read Pride and prejudice 
  12. (92) Have a 24hr movie marathon
  13.  (93) Wear a onsie in front of others! 
  14. (94) See a Broadway show
  15. (95) Jump out of a plane
  16. (96) Ride the London Eye 
  17. (97) Get a pen pal – write for a year and then meet up 
  18. (98) Read 50 autobiographies in a year 
  19. (99) Campaign for something that matters – and win
  20. (100) A naked photo shoot showing my ostomy
  21. (101) And FINALLY this one has been left open to you guys – think of something cool – not too dangerous please!

5 thoughts on “The bucket list

  1. Pingback: Off work on the road to recovery – lack of motivation and boredom but books galore | The big stoma bucket list

  2. OMG I justread your lists and I climbed Yorkshire 3 peaks on Saturday just gone ( 21st June ) in 11 hours 50 minutes with Gucci ( the shat bag ) and 4 friends. I did it raising money for Finlay Cooper Fund!

    I see that on your list!

    Im aching, sunburned, blistered and still tired but amazing leak free experience so I know you can do it!!!!

    Roll on next year because I will do it again – do it with me and my team!

  3. Pingback: Running with an ostomy – getting ready for challenge 66 | The big stoma bucket list

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